Android 8.0 Oreo is here: Safer, Smarter, More Powerful & Sweeter

The wait is over and Google has finally confirmed “Oreo” to be the next moniker for Android 8.0. Let’s have a look at some of the spotlight features that comes with the latest iteration of Android Operating System.
Enhanced Background Task Management
Admit it, many of you are clearing the phone memory now and then because of you afraid the apps would drain your battery and at the same time slow down the device. While I personally don’t think it would really help especially when the app is poorly optimised for background task. Introduced with the Android O will be having the feature that limits the background activity on the apps that you rarely used.
Being a user of Chrome autofill, I absolutely love the convenience of the autofill function, especially for forms. Now the Autofill feature is finally reaching the core Android system.
While we have the multi-window function in Android 7 Nougat, but sometimes it doesn’t really play out nicely especially when we’re dealing with video contents. The Picture-in-Picture feature will be more or less working in the same way as YouTube’s Picture-in-Picture feature, except now, across apps.
Faster Access
Interestingly, Android 8 is adopting the notification dot thingy which has been previously featured on other third-party skins, but with an additional function such as showing the available notifications without going into the app.
More Emojis
Of course, more emojis.
Final Words
So, What do you think of the Android 8 Oreo? While it definitely going to take some time before the update actually hits the market, especially for smartphone brands with third-party skin. Nevertheless, we’ll keep you updated if any of the brands are releasing the Android O OTA update.
More info available at Android official website.