Fight Crime For Schools Campaign Concludes

Gamma Solution Sdn Bhd’s “Fight Crime for Schools” campaign concludes last week, just a mere 7 months after the initiation back in 4th May 2017. The campaign is funded by Gamma Solution and backed by Intel and WD Purple to equip 100 selected primary schools in Malaysia with Megapixels IP Surveillance System.
Fight Crime for Schools
The campaign is supported by Deputy Education Minister YB Senator Datuk Chong Sin Woon and Polis Di-Raja Malaysia (PDRM). The project has been successfully carried out for 100 primary schools in Malaysia and over RM 1,000,000.00 has been expended for this campaign.
The breakdown of benefited schools by region are as follows: –
- Kuala Lumpur and Selangor: 53
- Kedah, Pulau Pinang and Perak: 17
- Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang: 14
- Negeri Sembilan, Melaka and Johor: 8
- Sabah and Sarawak: 8
Full school list:
The selected schools are screened with the following criteria before being selected as one of the candidates to receive the upgrade.
- Primary schools in Malaysia (SK or SJKC)
- No existing HD/Megapixels IP Camera installed at school
- Crowded and busy traffics at entrance/drop-off areas
- High risk, targeted as kidnaping hot spot previously
- Equipped with internet access (UniFi or Broadband with Public IP) to set up connection with PDRM Control Room
Surveillance System for Students’ safety and Crimes Mitigation

According to Wan Yat Hon, Managing Director of Gamma Solutions, one of the most important aspects of the campaign is to raise public awareness of crime prevention as children are precious and need to be safeguarded.

Wan adds, “All of us deserve a safe country as well as a secured community. Schools that are protected by the high definition IP surveillance system will act as a deterrent to crimes as all activities, faces and license plates can be captured with absolute clarity. The closure of our CSR campaign does not mean we will stop fighting crime, we are certain that more companies will join our movement to create a safe and peaceful Malaysia.”

Judging from the footage above, pretty sure a lot of you would be amazed by the quality itself. The camera is capable of capturing all the crucial details such as facial structure as well as vehicle number plates.
All these would not be easily achieved without the system that powers all the cameras. In this case, the computers are sponsored by Intel and Western Digital. Intel provides the Core i3 processor while Western Digital provides the WD Purple surveillance grade hard disk drive. In case you’re wondering what motherboards were used, they’re ASUS boards.
Gamma Solution will continue its effort in Q1 2018 by distributing 100,000 copies of multi-lingual Crime Prevention Handbook, respectively in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Chinese to students of those 100 schools. Part of the Crime Prevention Handbook is illustrated in comics with contents shared by PDRM.
For more details and information, kindly contact Gamma Solution at 03-4149 1800 or login to