Flexispot E3 Standing Desk – Review & On-Paper Comparison

A few months ago, something figuratively snapped in me. I had enough of my IKEA MALM desk which I had been using for about 10 years now. That IKEA MALM was giving me ergonomic issues and I also don’t have enough space to use. So, I decided to get a new desk to fix the 3 main issues I had with the IKEA MALM.
I did a lot of research about standing desk – because standing desks actually solve all 3 of those issues that I have with the IKEA MALM – and I gathered a lot of information to share with all of you fellow potential customers of standing desks.
I researched a total of 5 different companies and brands that sell standing desks here in Malaysia – and here’s a short summary:
- IKEA (obviously)
- Enbooth
- Woody Lab
- Flexispot
For me, while the brands don’t really, its customer support does become a representation of that particular brand, especially when it comes to inquiries by potential customers. That is also somewhat that I unintentionally have tested, but due to my curiously.
Other than that, the product speaks for itself. I did a lot of comparisons between these 5 brands’ standing desk on paper and in pictures – and I eventually settled for the Flexispot E3 standing desk. The journey that led me to make my purchase is an interesting one – so I urge you to watch this video.
All in all, the Flexispot E3 standing desk is a fantastic desk nonetheless – but I’m still not happy with the scummy warranty extension that Flexispot Malaysia offers.
In our future video, we’ll also talk about the cable management that I’ve done for my new setup using the Flexispot E3 standing desk. Stay tuned and do subscribe to our YouTube channel.