LG will be debuting its new minimalist-design appliances at the upcoming CES 2023

LG Electronics is going to showcase a new range of its appliances with an emphasis on having a minimalist aesthetic at CES 2023, which will take place from 5th to 8th January at the Las Vegas Convention Centre, Las Vegas.
LG’s new minimalist appliances have refreshingly simple, clean designs and complement all sorts of décor, colour schemes, or interior trends. The achromatic colour palette and lack of ornate gilding further contribute to the goods’ modern yet classic appearance, enabling them to blend in smoothly with their surroundings.
On top of that, these new products are built with sustainability in mind, in line with the company’s goal of decreasing environmental impact in all areas of business.
Thanks to the reduced amount of components and printed elements being used, LG’s minimalist-design appliances consume lesser resources and take less energy and time to manufacture. In addition, each of the models includes internal and external pieces and is shipped in packaging made from recyclable materials.
With that being said, if you’re over there by any chance, make sure to pay LG’s booth a visit and try out these new appliances first-hand!