Gorgeous Geeks, the renowned NGO dedicated to empowering women through technology, recently celebrated a remarkable milestone – 15 years of...
LG Malaysia has recently introduced its latest OLED TV lineup: the OLED evo G3, OLED evo C3, and OLED A3...
Doing homework is a required part of most educational courses, and C++ is one of the most important languages to...
Flowers have always been a symbol of beauty, love, and appreciation across cultures. But did you know that gifting flowers...
Sony has unveiled its latest portable theatre system: the HT-AX7, which provides a bunch of new ways for consumers to...
After the local launch in its home base in South Korea, SK hynix is happy to announce the global availability...
For individuals seeking the fastest consumer-class SSD, you're in for a treat. Introducing ADATA's LEGEND 970. The LEGEND 970 is...
LG has recently unveiled its latest Smart Cam VC23GA, an FHD video camera equipped with inbuilt dual microphones and a...
The wait is almost over. Samsung Malaysia is ready to reveal the latest Z series smartphones and other gadgets this...
Virtual private networks often get marketed as the key to digital anonymity. But is that really the case? Hackers, internet...